Reawaken wonder
Nurture your creative spirit
Connect to your feminine power

  • You’re yearning for in-person connection that will ignite your creativity and inspiration, guiding you toward clarity in your vision and your next steps.

  • You’re ready to nourish yourself—mind, body, soul, and spirit—with time in community, immersed in nature, and moments for self-reflection, so you can return to life rested, energized, and rejuvenated.

  • You long for a weekend getaway in a beautiful, sacred space where you can reconnect with your joy, turn off your busy mind, have fun, and embrace what truly makes you come alive. You crave to tune into your senses and be lovingly supported by sisterhood.

  • You’re ready to reclaim your feminine power, rediscover your pleasure and authentic expression, and reconnect with your body—so you can move through life feeling magnetic, fully expressed, and deeply connected in your relationships.

You're here because...

  • Feeling wild, alive, and fully expressed in a way that fuels your creativity and confidence.

  • Deeply connecting with the earth and feeling so in tune with nature that you’re grounded, present, and equipped to gracefully navigate the ebbs and flows of life.

  • Being held in the embrace of sisterhood, where you are celebrated, inspired, and seen, forging lifelong connections that support you.

  • Filling your body, heart, and soul with love, nourishing food, joy, connection, pleasure, and inspiration, so you can return to your life as the empowered, sexy, wild, and vibrant woman you desire to be.


This is why stepping out of the noise and taking time for yourself is so essential. The Nature & Nurture Winter Retreat is a sanctuary where you can slow down, rest, and have fun—just for the sake of it. Here, you’ll reconnect with what brings you to life, held by a community that uplifts you and invites you to explore deeper pleasure and play. It’s about awakening that part of you that’s been longing to be reimagined and celebrated.

When we embrace being—allowing ourselves to slow down—it doesn’t mean less gets done. Instead, we move with more purpose, creating deeper impact without sacrificing ease, grace, or spaciousness. This retreat is a nourishing dive into recalibrating your energy towards love, joy, and play, so that you return to your life refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to live with more fulfillment.

This is not a typical self-help retreat. It’s a celebration of YOU. It’s a chance to laugh, create magic, and step into a life that not only looks successful but feels deeply alive. Join us to craft a life you’re proud of, where ease and joy flow effortlessly, and transformation happens naturally.

In today’s fast-paced world, it's so easy to get lost in the constant cycle of doing, pushing, and striving for more. We feel the pressure to be everything for everyone, and in the midst of it all, we lose sight of the power of simply being. Yet, in stillness, we rediscover what truly matters: deeper connections with our loved ones, our bodies, our practices, and how we lead in life. Being is about surrender, joy, and light-heartedness—the kind of aliveness that fades when we are constantly in "doing" mode. You might have the job, the title, the money, the relationship, but without depth, intimacy, and true joy, it can feel incomplete.

The weekend will include sister circles, meditation, coaching, visioning, manifestation practices, movement, nourishing meals, rest, and integration time. Each day features a special workshop or activity led by Whitney or guest teachers! This is a space for YOU—to follow your intuition and engage as much or as little as you desire. Below is the framework for each day, but rest assured, there’s always room to simply enjoy the flow.

What to expect

Our retreat begins with an evening dedicated to deep connection and the magic of sisterhood. As we gather in this sacred space, we’ll open our hearts to one another and embrace the wonder of this shared journey. Through playful exploration and meaningful moments, we’ll lay the foundation for a weekend filled with joy, support, and transformative experiences.

Sacred Retreat Opening - Connection, Sisterhood, and Wonder


This day invites you to ground yourself in the serene beauty of Vermont’s mountains and forests. Picture yourself immersed in nature, engaging in activities like forest bathing, mindful walking, and outdoor meditation, all designed to align you with the earth’s rhythms and your inner wisdom. We’ll share nourishing, locally grown meals, practicing mindful eating and gratitude for the abundance around us. We will be guided in deepening our connection to the earth’s healing energy, helping us find balance and harmony with nature’s cycles and our own.

A Wholesome Day of Connecting with Nature & Yourself


Saturday is a sacred invitation to indulge in self-love, creativity, and feminine embodiment. Through mindful movement, we’ll reconnect with our bodies, awakening our senses and tapping into our innate feminine power. This day is dedicated to nurturing intimacy with ourselves, honoring our desires, and reclaiming our sensual essence. A special workshop will guide us deeper into this process, allowing us to express our artistic creativity and feel fully nourished, beautiful, and empowered.

A Day for Feminine Embodiment, Artistic Creativity & Self-Love


Sneak peak of each day, with more (very special) surprises to come: 

Our final day will culminate in a sacred closing ceremony, a space to reflect on the magic we’ve co-created and integrate the deep experiences of the weekend. As we anchor ourselves in gratitude, we’ll embrace the sense of embodiment and transformation that has unfolded. Together, we’ll carry this renewed energy into our lives with a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us. Departure from Sterling Forest Lodge will be at 12pm.

Gratitude, Relaxation & Sacred Closing Ceremony


Immerse yourself in the magic of creativity, presence, joyful play, and deep self-love.

Step into your leadership with confidence and unlock the next level of your purpose.

Build lasting sisterhood connections and share unforgettable moments.

Find peace, inspiration, and rejuvenation in Vermont’s tranquil mountain beauty.

I did not have to think, even when I was asked too. From the beginning everything was provided for us, activities, workshops, amazing meals. In a world that asks so much of us, not having to plan was so freeing. Also the element of just trying so many new things - workshops, food, opportunities I would of never initiated on my own.

I feel so much more connected with myself. I got clear on my own desires and how the answers and ways are within us. I left with a new perspective on life, a softer, more connected and curious one. My eyes were open to learning, people, opportunities that I did not realize existed and I am so grateful.


What they're saying...

Beth Wienert 

“WOW. I don’t even know where to begin. This was one of the most powerful experiences of my life and THE most powerful experience of sisterhood - celebrating one another without competition, so much beauty and space for exactly how everyone showed up. So much love and connection!!!

It felt like the ULTIMATE act of self love and self care. It was beautifully paced with time for rest and quiet and reflection and then balanced with activity and play and fun. The workshops were amazing!!!”

What they're saying...


Whitney's breadth of experiences, vision, and leadership are soft, embodied, and generous.

The retreat is a holistic experience. From the time you step into the container to the final moments, you are safe, held, comforted and treated with luxurious love and kindness.

What they're saying...

You desire a weekend of sisterhood, play, nature, self-love, creativity, and leadership in the stunning, snowy mountains of Vermont

This is for you if...

If you want to have a weekend of rejuvenating, healing, transformation, connection and visioning with like-minded women who are committed to living the most rich and full life

You want to give yourself the gift of a nourishing retreat and be filled up in your heart, body, mind and soul
You are ready to have fun, laugh, be inspired and connect to your radiant and powerful feminine nature

What's included

3 Nights at a premier boutique lodge and mountain retreat center in the heart of Stowe, Vermont

Beautiful shared rooms (for 2) with private bathrooms and separated beds for your comfort

1 Rustic spa experience, featuring a rejuvenating sauna, cold plunge and hot tub session.

Daily wellness & outdoor activities to engage your body and soul

Yoga, meditation, and mindful movement sessions offered each day to support your inner balance

Three nourishing meals a day, crafted from local, seasonal ingredients (plant-focused, with organic/local meat options), along with all-day access to coffee and tea

Full access to outdoor spaces, perfect for walking, snowshoeing, or forest bathing

Access to cozy common areas, including the great room, dining room, art/library room, and yoga studio

Fire pit moon circle, a sacred space to connect under the stars

Coaching, mentoring, and manifestation sessions with Whitney to guide your inner journey

Daily workshops & activities led by guest teachers, offering inspiration and transformation

  • Pre-retreat connection call to plan and set intentions

  • Post-retreat integration call to carry the magic forward

  • A special gift, filled with sacred goodies to enhance your weekend and beyond


All nestled in and inspired by the beautiful mountains of Vermont. 


Beautiful shared room for 2 with private bathroom (note: beds will be separated into two)


Enjoy the access to the great room and dinning room to relax or share a meal.

Great Room

Practice your daily yoga, mouvment and meditation in the yoga room.

Yoga Room

Enjoy our outdoor activities from the sauna, walking and swimming




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2 monthly payments of

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Book a call with whitney

  • Upgraded accommodations
  •  1:1 calls with Whitney pre and post retreat

VIP options available:

Immerse yourself in the magic of creativity, mindful presence, joyful play, and deep self-love.

Step into your leadership with confidence and unlock the next level of your purpose. 

Build lasting sisterhood connections and share unforgettable moments.

Find peace, inspiration, and rejuvenation in Vermont’s tranquil mountain beauty.

Are you ready to....

Click HERE to find a time to connect

We will meet on zoom for a free 30-minute Connection Call where you can ask any questions, share any preferences you have for the retreat and make sure it is exactly what you are looking for!

If you decide to join us, I will share the details for accommodations, meals, and activities to customize your retreat experience and decide on the best payment plan for your budget. 

If so, this is your sign to take the next steps! 

I want to know more!

I had so many breakthroughs personally - Letting my voice be heard. Being vulnerable. Creative a positive outlook. I was in such a place of self-doubt, fear, lack, and negativity. Working with Whitney literally lifted me out of that cloud.

Sarah Barnes

What they're saying...


It is absolutely something everyone should do at least one time per year. It is a time of reflection, of adventure, of sisterhood. The variety of outdoor activities, yoga, meditation, workshops, nourishing and delicious food and the very best women and leadership through Whitney Eve was just so good for the soul. I loved it.

What they're saying...

Whitney is amazing at facilitating experiences and holding space. She tunes into the atmosphere - letting energy fly high and then inviting you to drop into the present.

There’s a balance of structure and safety with the ability to flow with what’s coming up in the moment.


What they're saying...

Ellen Adams

When I first started my journey with Whit, I thought that it was about the stuff...the material things. What I have now is so much more...It's a state of being, a life of ease and flow and not overwhelm, where I don't fear money and there is no lack. I am constantly creating and expanding my business, relationships, connections, and self love in easy, abundant ways.

What they're saying...


One Payment



2 monthly payment of

Save $222 by paying in full

I'm in!

Say no more!

Click here to make your payment. (You'll get instant access to journal prompts to help you make the most out of your experience - before, during, and after the retreat!)

Already feeling a FULL BODY "YES!" and want to claim your spot? 


“My Vision for the world is that every woman is living a fully expressed, empowered and embodied life.” 

Hi, I am Whitney Eve, a Women’s Empowerment & Embodiment Mentor and Life Leader living in Vermont.. 

As a feminine leader, I am committed to supporting women in bringing feminine embodied power and expression into intimacy, relationships, business and home.  

You get to have everything you desire: nourishing relationships, a purposeful career and a soulful connection to spirit. You can live a life of play, freedom, love, creativity, abundance and pleasure that brings you back to your truth, deep feminine essence and complete fulfillment. 

My unique method helps you get clear on what you want, deeply connect to your intuition, embody the woman you want to become. I combine potent spiritual/energetic practices with practical steps to help you create more money, deeper intimacy, and a life full of pleasure, play and adventure (without your friends and family thinking you’ve lost it).

I want in!