A Women’s Holistic Lifestyle Mentor and Coach living in Vermont. 

As a feminine leader, I am committed to supporting women in bringing feminine embodied power and expression into intimacy, relationships, business and home.  

I'm Whitney Eve.

Hi  there,

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My Vision for the world is that every woman is living a fully expressed, empowered and embodied life.

You get to have everything you desire:

nourishing relationships, a purposeful career and a soulful connection to spirit.

You can live a life of play, freedom, love, creativity, abundance and pleasure that brings you back to your truth, deep feminine essence and complete fulfillment. 

I support women in living tuned into desire, pleasure, spirit and intuition and clearing out all of the spaces they live in – body, mind, soul, spirit and home space. 

My unique method helps you get clear on what you want, deeply connect to your intuition and embody the woman you want to become AND take the practical steps to apply this to your career, life, and relationships to create more money, better intimacy, deep connection, a life full of pleasure, play and adventure (without your friends and family thinking you’ve lost it).


I work with high achieving women who want MORE out of their career, relationships and life step into their leadership, have a lot more fun and ease in their work without sacrificing their financial security in the process. 

I have worked as a marketing executive at Burton Snowboards for 14 years and have been a high achieving leader at my company. I know what it’s like to function at a high level and still make time for adventure, self-love and conscious relationships. I know what it’s like to feel burnt out, to be blocked by limiting beliefs and how to make intentional changes to live the most fulfilling and pleasurable life. 

My life is FULL, I work hard but even more importantly, I prioritize having fun, bringing in pleasure, traveling the world, all while having financial and energetic freedom.

YOU get to have it all. When you follow your desire, you create impact in your life. 

hello, i'm sylvia

We are taught that to get to the top you need to hustle, strive, and ignore your deeper intuitions and desires.. but it turns out that having more fun and living an embodied life allows you to do even MORE personally and professionally... while leading from a place of authenticity, enjoying life more, and making more money.

But it wasn’t always this way. In 2020 I came head on with burn out. I had always been a high achiever in my career and in my life, but I was working endless hours to “keep up”, “get the promotion” and make sure things were “perfect”. 
I found that I was living mostly in my head, disconnected from my body, resentful in my relationships and feeling paralized in my own limiting beliefs and fears. 

I had a huge desire to feel more fulfilled in all areas of life, not just in work.


Then I found the secret that changed everything. 

I discovered the code for decoding my desires: I got clear on what I really wanted for my life, started looking at the beliefs and blocks that were preventing me from having it and started to fully embody and express everything I desire.

I am proof that you can go from always “doing” and achieving, to slowing down, connecting to just “being” and still creating everything you desire. 

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"My life isn't perfect, but I think this is what people like about me." 

Whitney Eve

My commitment to you is that, as you learn to decode your desires…

I’ll walk you through my unique method  to help you get clear on what you want, deeply connect to your intuition, and embody the woman you want to become.... PLUS you’ll take the practical steps to apply this to your career, life, and relationships to create more money, better intimacy, deep connection, a life full of pleasure, play and adventure.

You become more confident, aligned in your purpose, set better boundaries, you’re tuned into your energy and connect to what your body truly needs.

You are abundant in time, energy and money and life is fun, free and playful.

You slow down to feel, you lean into a sisterhood community and you build nourishing relationships that fulfill you on a level you’ve never experienced before.

You are tuned into what feels pleasurable in your body and having the best sex of your life.

You are clear on what you desire in your life and believe you can manifest what seemed like, at one point in life, your wildest dreams.

I believe that you can create the money, sex and life you really want, without burning yourself out. 

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Work with me

Embark on a 4 month mentorship journey to becoming your most expressed, embodied and empowered self.

Decoding Desire

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A 4 Months container to elevating your self-worth, amplifying your inner magnetism, and manifesting your greatest desires.

Becoming Magnetic

With Love,
Whitney xx

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