Reawaken wonder, nurture your creative spirit and connect to your feminine power

I want in!

Immerse yourself in the wonder of sisterhood, play, self-love and creativity
Embody your leadership and next level of manifestation
Create memories and connections for life
All nestled in and inspired by the beautiful mountains of Vermont

Join us

June 28th - July 2nd 

Sterling Forest Lodge, Stowe, Vermont

  • You’re craving in-person connection to feel inspired, creative and activated in a whole new way so that you can feel clear on your bigger vision and next steps

  • You are ready to fill up your cup with time in community, time in nature, and time with yourself to nurture your mind, body, soul and spirit so that you feel rested, energized and rejuvenated in life

  • You desire a weekend away, in a beautiful sacred space to play, connect to your joy, turn off your brain, have fun and do what really makes you come alive, tune into your senses and be held in sisterhood 

  • You are ready to connect with you feminine power, reclaim your pleasure, expression and body so that you can move through life feeling magnetic, fully expressed and turned on in your life and relationships

You're here because...

  • Feeling wild, alive, fully expressed and playful in a way that inspires your creativity and and confidence 

  • Connecting to earth medicine and feeling so in harmony with nature that you feel grounded, present and able to navigate the seasons and duality of life without losing your center

  • Being held in sisterhood where you are celebrated, inspired, seen, supported and create connections for life

  • Filling up your body, heart and soul with love, nurturing food, joy, connection, pleasure and inspiration so that you can return back to your life feeling like the empowered, sexy, wild, and energized woman you want to be


Being is all about surrender, having fun, joyful energy and when we are doing and achieving all the time, we lose this connection and aliveness in life! You might have the job, the title, the money, the relationship, but you don’t have the depth, the intimacy, the connection and joy you desire. 

This is why it’s so important to take time out of our busy lives to slow down, rest, relax and have fun just because! When we really reconnect to what brings us alive and to be held and supported by a community that uplifts us and encourages us to go deeper into our pleasure and play so we can reawaken and reimagine the women we know we have the potential to be. 

When we slow down and spend time being - which doesn't mean you’ll get less done -you’ll get the right things done to create a deeper impact in your life (without having to sacrifice your spaciousness, ease and grace in the process). 

This retreat is like a deep dive training and experience to recalibrate your energy to ease, love, joy and play so that you can bring it back to every area of your life to feel more fulfilled, rejuvenated and replenished for months and years to come. 

This is NOT a heady, heavy, self help retreat, this is an opportunity to celebrate yourself, to have fun, to create some magic in your life so you can create the life you feel proud of but you feel truly alive in as well. 

In the modern day, I know how easy it is to get caught up in always doing, pushing, achieving for more success and putting the pressure on yourself to be everything for everyone. So much so that we forget about the power of just BEING, which I truly believe is where we find connection in our relationships, in our bodies, in our practices, and how we show up in our leadership. 


Reawaken wonder, nurture your creative spirit and connect to your feminine power

I want in!

Immerse yourself in the wonder of sisterhood, play, self-love and creativity
Embody your leadership and next level of manifestation
Create memories and connections for life
All nestled in and inspired by the beautiful mountains of Vermont

Each day will have a special theme that builds off of the last. The weekend will include sister circles, meditation, coaching, visioning, manifestation practices, movement, nourishing meals, rest and integration time and a daily activity and/or workshop with very special guest teachers! This is a space for YOU, to trust yourself and do as little or as many activities you desire. This is a framework for each day but you can also rest and enjoy!

What to expect

Arrival at Sterling Forest Lodge is between 3-5pm. You will be welcomed with a gift and time to settle into your beautiful room for the weekend, followed by our first nourishing meal and an opening ceremony to set intentions so that you can make the most out of your weekend and a truly magical experience.

Sacred retreat opening 


We will begin this day with morning movement that will drop us into our bodies, followed by a delicious breakfast. Thursday is all about joy and embracing our playful innocence so that we can feel the unlimited capacity to receive and express lighter energy and be in bliss. Play is our pathway to joy and this is just the beginning of a weekend filled with bliss! Plus a very special workshop to awaken your creativity and your inner artist.

A day for pure wonder, curiosity and magic


We will take this day to connect with earth in the beautiful mountains and lush forest of Vermont to relax into harmony with nature. Imagine forest bathing, swimming, deep grounding and mindful outdoor experiences so that you can tune into the forces of nature, your intuition, natural cycles, fertility, beauty and power within. Learn mindful eating practices and prayers to connect more deeply to nature as we enjoy our locally grown meals. Also, we will have another special guest focused on an experience to love on the earth and receive the medicine she offers us.  

A day for connecting to Mama Earth medicine


This day is all about love, intimacy with self, pleasure and connecting with our body so we can feel nourished, beautiful and worthy of our desires. Our sensual essence is a natural part of our feminine nature so we will tune into our senses so that we can reclaim our sensuality as a divine power. The special workshop will tune us into our bodies, turn on our senses so we connect to the feminine within. 

A day for feminine embodiment & self-love


Sneak peak of each day, with more (very special) surprises to come: 

After a weekend of being filled up, we will close our time together with an integration ceremony, reflecting on our time together and the magic that was created so that you can embody this new way of being as you step back into your daily life. Departure from Sterling Forest Lodge is 12pm.

Sacred retreat closing 


Whitney is amazing at facilitating experiences and holding space. She tunes into the atmosphere - letting energy fly high and then inviting you to drop into the present. There’s a balance of structure and safety with the ability to flow with what’s coming up in the moment.

Lindy Burch-Durkee

What they're saying...

Beth Wienert 

I am more intentional in EVERYTHING I do. I take more time to ground in the moment and be with what is happening around me, especially out in nature. I am more clear on my priorities around what I want to do with my time and how I want to use my resources. I do not see this as the end of my work with Whitney and certainly not the end of my work on myself. It felt like the beginning - a door opening to expansion. I am really excited about what's to come! 

What they're saying...

You desire a weekend of sisterhood, play, nature, self-love, creativity, leadership and manifestation in the beautiful mountains of Vermont.

This is for you if...

If you want to have a weekend of rejuvenating, healing, transformation, connection and visioning with like-minded women who are committed to living the most rich and full life.
You want to go away for the weekend and be filled up in your heart, body, mind and soul.
You are ready to have fun, laugh, be inspired and feel the power of your own feminine body and expression.

What's included

4 nights at premier boutique lodge and mountain retreat center in Stowe, Vermont 

Beautiful shared room for 2 with private bathroom (note: beds will be separated into two)

1 Rustic spa session with sauna & cold plunge 

Daily wellness and outdoor activities 

Daily yoga, meditation, mindful movement 

3 daily meals with local and seasonal menu (plant focused with local/organic meat options), coffee and tea provided all day 

Access to all outdoor spaces for walking, swimming, forest bathing

Access to all public spaces including great room, dining room, art/library room, yoga studio 

Fire pit moon circle & daily pond swimming 

Coaching, mentoring & manifestation sessions with Whitney 

Daily workshops and activities with guest teachers 

  • 1 Pre Retreat planning & connection call 
  • 1 Post Retreat integration call 
  • Gift with sacred goodies for the weekend & beyond 
  • Post retreat photos to keep + share


All nestled in and inspired by the beautiful mountains of Vermont. 


Beautiful shared room for 2 with private bathroom (note: beds will be separated into two)


Enjoy the access to the great room and dinning room to relax or share a meal.

Great Room

Practice your daily yoga, mouvment and meditation in the yoga room.

Yoga Room

Enjoy our outdoor activities from the sauna, walking and swimming




One Payment



2 monthly payment of

Save $222 by paying in full

Book a call with whitney

  • Upgraded accommodations
  •  1:1 calls with Whitney pre and post retreat

VIP options available:

Immerse yourself in the wonder of sisterhood, play, self love and creativity
Embody your leadership and next level of manifestation 
Create memories and connections for life
All nestled in and inspired by the beautiful mountains of Vermont

Are you ready to....

Click HERE to find a time to connect

We will meet on zoom for a free 30-minute Connection Call where you can ask any questions, share any preferences you have for the retreat and make sure it is exactly what you are looking for!

If you decide to join us, I will share the details for accommodations, meals, and activities to customize your retreat experience and decide on the best payment plan for your budget. 

If so, this is your sign to take the next steps! 

I want to know more!

I had so many breakthroughs personally - Letting my voice be heard. Being vulnerable. Creative a positive outlook. I was in such a place of self-doubt, fear, lack, and negativity. Working with Whitney literally lifted me out of that cloud.

Sarah Barnes

What they're saying...

Whitney’s teaching hones in on awareness, inviting you to notice the full range of what it is to be human. She offers reminders that everything is a practice, there’s always a chance to start again, and nothing is wrong but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. When things feel heavy, Whitney challenges you to release control, choose the next best thought, and celebrate in spite of it all.

Lindy Burch-Durkee

What they're saying...

Ellen Adams

When I first started my journey with Whit, I thought that it was about the stuff...the material things. What I have now is so much more...It's a state of being, a life of ease and flow and not overwhelm, where I don't fear money and there is no lack. I am constantly creating and expanding my business, relationships, connections, and self love in easy, abundant ways.

What they're saying...


One Payment



2 monthly payment of

Save $222 by paying in full

I'm in!

Say no more!

Click here to make your payment. (You'll get instant access to journal prompts to help you make the most out of your experience - before, during, and after the retreat!)

Already feeling a FULL BODY "YES!" and want to claim your spot? 


“My Vision for the world is that every woman is living a fully expressed, empowered and embodied life.” 

Hi, I am Whitney Eve, a Women’s Empowerment & Embodiment Mentor and Life Leader living in Vermont.. 

As a feminine leader, I am committed to supporting women in bringing feminine embodied power and expression into intimacy, relationships, business and home.  

You get to have everything you desire: nourishing relationships, a purposeful career and a soulful connection to spirit. You can live a life of play, freedom, love, creativity, abundance and pleasure that brings you back to your truth, deep feminine essence and complete fulfillment. 

My unique method helps you get clear on what you want, deeply connect to your intuition, embody the woman you want to become. I combine potent spiritual/energetic practices with practical steps to help you create more money, deeper intimacy, and a life full of pleasure, play and adventure (without your friends and family thinking you’ve lost it).

I want in!