Elevating Your Self-Worth, Amplifying Your Inner Magnetism, and Manifesting Your Greatest Desires 

become Magnetic

with Whitney Eve

You're here because...

You want to feel fully in your magnetism and feminine power

You want to feel more intimacy in relationships, turned on in your body and ignited in your s*x

You admire other woman who know themselves, what they want out of life, and how to make it happen, but you can’t quite figure out how to have that for yourself

You’re experiencing moments of self-doubt, anxiety and overwhelm and want to be able to rebound quickly and stay in alignment with your highest self

You want to start putting yourself first and cultivate daily practices that give you more energy, confidence, clarity and connection


You take bold and inspired action toward what you want, while staying present, grounded and relaxed because you know you get to have it

You are clear, energized and easeful in your mind, body, and spirit

You have an intentional morning routine, healthy habits and a spiritual practice of taking time for yourself every day which makes your soul feel so nourished 

You let your intuition lead, trust yourself and have clarity in your work and relationships

You are confident in expressing yourself and using your voice

You love your body, are playful and loving in your relationships and your s*x life is on fire

I know because I've been right where you are and know how easy it can be to feel stuck and simultaneously overwhelmed and underwhelmed with life, knowing you are meant for more but not quite sure how to make it happen. 

Chances are you have a lot of tools and know yourself quite well, but you're needing more...desiring a container of support, where you put yourself first, where you are guided masterfully through each step needed to get to the next level, where you are asked the bigger questions, lovingly held as you navigate the tough spots, fiercely believed in and held accountable to who you want to be.

That is why I created this sacred container. 

If you have found your way here, you are meant for an abundant life, one that is pleasurable, playful, peaceful and free.

Because when you do this work alone you can only get so far.

But when we come together as women in community, magic happens and we co-create an experience of a lifetime.

Our magnetism amplifies and radical change becomes possible. 


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Elevating Your Self-Worth, Amplifying Your Inner Magnetism, and Manifesting Your Greatest Desires

Here is exactly what we will cover:

Pillar 1

Radical Self-Awareness 

Radical self-awareness comes before almost any transformation or creating what you want in life. We will get honest with ourselves, do some deep reflection and uncover what is keeping you stuck from having what you want. We will peel back the curtain, see what is real and true for you so you can reconnect to your truth and love yourself for exactly who you are, even the parts you have pushed down, shamed or not approved of! When you are radically self-aware, life becomes limitless, you can alchemize that into power, respect, growth and creativity. 

pillar 2

Amplifying Self-Worth 

Once you are radically aware of where you hold yourself back, and what motivates you to move forward, you will amplify your worthiness and self-love to a whole new level. You will learn the secrets to becoming unapologetically expressed, embodied and empowered. You will learn how to become your own beloved, embrace your imperfections and give yourself more love, compassion, grace, gratitude, presence and devotion so you can cultivate confidence and take bold action toward your desires.

pillar 3

Unleash your Inner Magnetism 

Next you will learn to activate and unleash your inner magnetism to call in your highest level relationships, purpose, money and sex! Discover self-love practices, the transformative power of inner child play, and the art of feminine embodiment. We will play, bring in pleasure, and connect deeply to our sensuality, so that you can align yourself to the frequency of your desires and embody the highest version of you that the universe will respond to. 

pillar 4

Manifestation Practices to call in the Life you Desire

Now that you are a magnet for what you desire, it’s time to take bold, aligned and inspired action toward living the life of your dreams. We will also work with daily practices of gratitude, journaling, affirmation, embodiment, intention, energy work and visualization. You align and act from the highest vibration so you can be a leader of your life, live in abundance, have an impact on everyone and everything around you and call in the life you desire. 

  • You desire a high-level container of like minded women that will get you high-level results in every area of your life

  • You don’t do surface, want to want to dive deep and address the root cause that creates real change 

  • You know you do best with a container of support and consistent accountability where you are held, seen, supported and celebrated every step of the way

  • Have big desires but feel blocked by limiting beliefs and fears on how to bring them to life

  • Want to unleash your creativity, inner child, sensuality and feminine magic

This is for you if you … 

  • You want to dabble in manifestation but you aren’t willing to put in the work to create miracles in your life

  • Feel completely satisfied with by life and what is, without a deep yearning for more 

  • You dislike self-development work and don't value going deeper to get to the root of things

  • Want a quick fix or Band Aid solution 

  • You aren’t willing to try new things to get a new result

This is not for you if you … 

How it works

12 Session group immersion, to support you in seeing results in every area of your life

be part of a sisterhood co-creation where you will feel connected, supported and held accountable


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LIVE CALLS TAKE PLACE TUESDAYS & thursdays FROM 4-5:30PM EST, next round STARTING August, 2023 (if you can’t make the live call a recording will be provided)

Bonus Material & Resources 

What you'll get...

Special guest teachers to support you in manifesting and embodying your greatest desires

Meditations to create grounding, presence and a clear mind

Journaling prompts to reflect on intentions, celebrations, desires and gratitudes 

Weekly actions and home play practices to integrate and alchemize each session

Recommended reading for additional support on practices and teachings 



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Motivated to be the best version of myself. The topics we discussed each time were deep and I always ended with gratitude and positivity each session.”

“I always felt better after every session.

I dug myself out of the hole I had fallen into. I am no longer afraid. I have learned to put myself first. To be a people pleaser to myself because I am deserving of all the love and support that I give to others. And I am not afraid to say NO.”

“I just feel like myself again. 

 of where I'm at in life and accepting that in a positive way. Also a clearer idea of the woman I am now and the woman I want to be in the future and learning to love them both at the same time, appreciating each season and the journey overall.

“I feel more confidence and understanding

and motivating for me to step into the woman I am and want to be. I feel like I removed some blocks that were keeping me stuck.”

“Working with you was so positive

Hi, I'm Whitney

As a feminine leader, I am committed to supporting women in bringing feminine embodied power and expression into intimacy, relationships, business and home. 

My Vision for the world is that every woman is living a fully expressed, empowered and embodied life. 

You get to have everything you desire: nourishing relationships, a purposeful career and a soulful connection to spirit. You can live a life of play, freedom, love, creativity, abundance and pleasure that brings you back to your truth, deep feminine essence and complete fulfillment. 
I support women in living tuned into desire, pleasure, spirit and intuition and clearing out all of the spaces they live in – body, mind, soul, spirit and home space.

My unique method helps you get clear on what you want, deeply connect to your intuition and embody the woman you want to become AND take the practical steps to apply this to your career, life, and relationships to create more money, better intimacy, deep connection, a life full of pleasure, play and adventure (without your friends and family thinking you’ve lost it).

a Women’s holistic life, love and leadership mentor, living in Vermont.. 

Meet the founder

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  • Elevate your self-worth
  • Amplify your inner magnetism
  • Manifest your greatest desires

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